
--config [ ] (default: "./docium.js" || "./docium.json" || "./.docium")

Configuration file. Instead, this you can create docium section in package.json.

--port [X] (default: 8082)

Port for opening dev server.

--watch [X] (default: false)

Enable watching on file changing and rebuild by this.

--theme [ ] (default: "light")

Theme. Possible values: dark, light.

--template [X] (default: "default")

Template for documentation. You can create yourself template and set it as path.

npx docium --template ./src/docium-template

More about template

--colors [ ]

Dictionary for theme.

  "colors": {
    "body-background": "#fff",
    "text-color": "#000",
    "link-color": "#555 #66f #111" // Default Hover Visited

--code-highlighter [ ] (default: "prism")

Syntax highlighter for code sections.

--code-highlighter-options [ ]

Syntax highlighter options

--base-url [ ]

By default docuim generates relative paths for all html files. You can change this behaviour.

npx docium ./ --base-url https://xdsoft.net/jodit/doc/

--examples [ ] (default: "./examples")

Folder for examples. You can put it inside your markdown file.

touch ./example/1.js
echo "alert('Hello!')" > ./example/1.js

In your markdown you can use this example by name

{example 1}

You can use jsx,html, js files.

Or you can create folder for example item:

mkdir ./example/my-ex/
touch ./example/my-ex/some-name.js
touch ./example/my-ex/some-name.html
echo "alert(document.getElementById('example').innerHTML)" > ./example/1/some-name.js
echo "<div id='example'>Test</div>" > ./example/1/some-name.html
{example my-ex}

--show-source-for-example [ ] (default: true)

Show tabs with HTML/JS/CSS sections. In {example 1} place

--generate-api [ ] (default: true)

Generate API by jsdoc & typescript.

--api-section [ ] (default: "api")

Path in documentation for API section.

--excludes [X] (default: ['node_modules'])

Exclude directories from generation.

--plugins [ ]

List of plugins.

    "plugins": [
                "stars": true,
                "source": true
                "ga": "UA-XXXXX-Y"